Marilyn and animals
Marilyn had always been kind and loving towards animals and she was a real animal lover. She had several pets during her life. Here are some of them;
She had a mixed breed dog named Tippy in 1931 when she lived with the Bolenders, but sadly, Tippy died in June 1933. Tippy was run over by a car near the house. Ida Bolender told her that a neighbor killed the poor little dog with a shotgun, for being too annoying for him, beacuse she thought it would comfort Marilyn if Tippy died fast and painless. However, the death of Tippy was a huge grief for little Norma Jeane.

During her marriage to Jim Dougherty she had a spaniel named Muggsie. Muggsie died shortly after she started her carrier in modeling.
On her 24th birthday in 1950, she got a little chihuahua named Josefa as a birthday gift from Joesph Schnek, head production of 20th century fox.

In 1955, when she lived in New York City, she had a Persian cat called Mitsou.
In the late 50's, she and Arthur had a basset hound called Hugo and a parakeet named Butch.
In 1958, Marilyn and Arthur had a horse named Ebony.
In 1959, The Miller's got a Siamese cat named Sugar Finney.
In 1962, Marilyn got a white poodle as a gift from Frank Sinatra. She called the dog "Maf Honey" as a light-hearted joke in honor of Frank. After Marilyn passed away, he was adopted by Frank's secretary Gloria Lovell. Sadly, Maf was run over by a milk truck in August 1974.
This photo of Maf is actually taken my Marilyn herself!